ACS Sioux Valley is seeking nominations from its members for the following awards. The deadline for nominations is Friday Monday, March 14, 2025 by 5:00PM CST. Members are allowed to nominate more than one person for each award. The awards will be announce following evaluation from a committee composed of the section officers. An awards banquet will take place Saturday, April 5th in Sioux Falls starting at noon.
Eligibility for Outstanding Senior Undergraduate Student
The student must have completed or currently be enrolled in Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Physics, and Calculus. In other words, the awardee must be Chemistry or Biochemistry major. An exception would be given for courses that are not offered at the students' institution. A letter of recommendation from the faculty member supporting the nomination and the student's unofficial transcript are required. The student should send the nominator a copy of the unofficial transcript, which the nominator will upload with the letter of recommendation.
Eligibility for the Graduate Student Research Excellence Awards
The student must be pursuing a Master's or Ph.D. and they cannot have been awarded the Graduate Student Research Excellence Award previously. A letter of recommendation from the faculty member supporting the nomination and the student's unofficial transcript are required. The student should send the nominator a copy of the unofficial transcript, which the nominator will upload with the letter of recommendation.
Excellence in Diversity and Outreach in Chemistry
We seek nominations for members who have engaged in Diversity and Outreach activities, broadly defined, within the state of South Dakota. For more information about how the American Chemical Society defines this work go to the following link. No transcript or selection of a research discipline is required for this award. Please submit a letter of recommendation supporting your nominee.
Please submit the nomination using the form below. A confirmation email will be sent to you when sucessfully submitted.
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The period for nominations had closed and no further submissions are allowed.